Eric Wilson
Senior Vice President
Bullpen Strategy Group
About Eric Wilson
Eric Wilson is a political technologist driving innovation and digital transformation as Senior Vice President for Strategy at Bullpen Technology Group. He is a veteran of numerous campaigns on the state, federal, and international level. Eric led Marco Rubio’s digital team during his 2016 campaign for president, served as digital director of Ed Gillespie’s campaigns for Virginia Governor in 2017 and US Senate in 2014, and advised on digital strategy for the National Republican Senatorial Campaign in 2016 and the Liberal Party of Australia in 2016. In addition, Eric has held digital strategy roles at the American Action Network, Engage, and the U.S. House of Representatives.
Eric is the managing partner of Startup Caucus, an investment fund and startup accelerator for Republican campaign technology. He teaches and trains candidates and their campaign teams how to win online at BestPracticeDigital.com. He is also is the Director of the Center for Campaign Innovation, a non-profit research and training center guiding conservatives through the digital transformation of politics.